Clarify the standards with DOT IT Pacing Guides and Exemplary Resources.

Get started
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Frictionless integration

Get connected quickly with single sign-on through ClassLink or Clever.

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Complete coverage

Secure your time and budget with our ready-to-go pacing guides, meticulously tailored to suit your district's programs and cover every standard.

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Embedded resources

Kick off the year with a premade resources and ready-to-go assessment system, aligned with the rigor of state tests and your customized pacing guide.

Pacing Guide Features

Our pre-built pacing guides come fully-loaded and synced with your district's textbooks or programs, packing all the essential resources you need.

checkmark Descriptions of the standards to build understanding
checkmark Every grade and content area covered
checkmark Embedded exemplary lessons for each standard
checkmark Embedded small group mini lessons based on DOK
checkmark Upload for approved district resources
checkmark Automatic assessments based on the content of your pacing guide
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