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Written by Susan Milliones on March 8, 2025

Standards First: An Education Game Changer

Standards First: An Education Game Changer

Standards First: An Education Game Changer

We’re going to delve into the concept of teaching standards first. This approach is a game changer. It not only optimizes resources but also boosts student engagement, promotes team harmony, fast-tracks rewards, and fosters independent learners.

Without grasping the standards, even top-notch resources can fall flat.

The education landscape has been flooded with resources, programs, and initiatives in recent years. While most are well-intentioned and grounded in research, a recent study by The New Teacher Project suggests that without a cohesive, organizing framework, these resources can pile up into a costly clutter of good intentions.

Enter the standards-first pacing guide: a cohesive framework that organizes these resources into a usable, efficient system. By prioritizing and simplifying the standards for everyone’s understanding, classrooms become more dynamic and productive. Teachers can then make best use of both material and human resources, creating an environment that stimulates students to learn at grade level.

Tackle disruptive behavior.

Where resources are prioritized over standards, students often work on tasks below their grade level. That’s when disruptive behaviors can surface. On the other hand, when standards take precedence, student engagement improves. Active participation is encouraged, fostering deep learning. This not only boosts interest but also fosters a lifelong love for learning.

Standards-first teaching boosts teamwork.

The lack of a standards-first guide can lead to fragmented teams, as teachers focus on their students’ current levels rather than where they should be. With a common pacing guide connected to standards first common assessments, teachers can collaborate more effectively, sharing real-time experiences and discovering innovative solutions. The result? More harmonious teams, more effective teaching, and a supportive network rooted in standards mastery.

Teaching standards first harmonizes teamwork.

Without an standards first pacing guide, teams often fragment based on where they perceive their students are instead of where they should be. There cannot be productive data evaluation that reveals patterns and trends when this occurs. The result is a school where every classroom in a single grade level could be working on something different. So, not every student has access to the same grade level education.

Teachers are equipped to collaborate with their peers when they are in the same place in the curriculum. More harmonious teams can evaluate common assessments and share their real time experiences with specific standards together. They discover innovative solutions connected directly to specific standards and the outcomes everyone wants. Together, teachers can address challenges more effectively. They create a supportive network that enhances teaching and learning rooted in standards mastery.

Speed up learning with the standards-first approach.

Without this approach, teachers often resort to off-grade remediation for challenges. While remediation has its place, the primary strategy should be to accelerate grade-level growth through differentiated access to the standard. This can be achieved through small group lessons at different cognitive levels, for example.

Celebrate productive struggle with standards-first teaching.

Productive struggle is key to deep learning. When standards aren’t prioritized, the focus often shifts to performance over effort, missing the bigger picture. By putting the standards first, teachers can reward not just performance, but also the effort that led to it. This clarity motivates everyone to strive for excellence, allowing them to reap the rewards of their hard work more quickly.

Foster independent learners.

By focusing on standards, classrooms can encourage the development of independent learners. Students learn to take ownership of their education, setting personal goals, managing their learning processes, and seeking out resources independently. These are priceless skills for lifelong learning.


To wrap up, putting state standards first could revolutionize classrooms. The benefits are manifold: better resource utilization, enhanced student engagement, cohesive teaching teams, more effective problem-solving, rewarding challenges, and the cultivation of independent learners. In a nutshell, a standards-first approach means a more effective and enriching educational experience for all. Nothing matters more. We get one chance to teach each grade and it’s for all the marbles.

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